Monday, May 15, 2017

Innovations Super Hero of the Month

Every month, Imagine!’s Innovations department presents the “Super Hero of the Month” award to the employee or provider who has best demonstrated excellence in one or more of our Innovations Quality Standards:
  • Health, Safety, and Wellbeing 
  • Effective and Efficient 
  • Respect and Dignity 
  • Opportunities 
  • Integrity 
  • Care 
This month, the award was presented to Victoria Laverty, who is the Site Supervisor for the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome.

Victoria was nominated by the site Nurse Case Manager, who wrote:

I would like to nominate Victoria Laverty for the Super Hero of the Month Award. The Bob and Judy Charles Smart Home has been short-staffed recently, and Victoria has done an amazing job in making sure the house runs as smooth as possible. Victoria has been working the floor as well as being present at the house for long hours, and has maintained a smile throughout. Besides being the Site Supervisor and keeping the house running, she also solves everyday problems of the house and the individuals that live there. Problem solving and getting things done through logistics is an everyday task for Victoria and she does it with a chuckle and smile. Victoria has done an amazing job!

Victoria shows compassion to the individuals of the Bob and Judy Charles Smart Home. When you step into the house you know it is a home. Please give Victoria the recognition she deserves for going the distance to keep shifts covered and the Bob and Judy Charles Smart Home running.

If you see Victoria around, please congratulate her on being our Super Hero of the Month!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Imagine!’s Innovation is Showing - Come See the Pitch & Help Us Win $10K!

Since a shrinking workforce and low unemployment in the county are making it hard for Imagine! to recruit and retain direct support professionals, we have created an app, similar to Uber, to offer “on-demand” short shifts to tap into potential employees who can't/don't want to work full-time. We are starting with CU students. We are calling the app “Imaginect.”

Meanwhile, the Community Foundation Serving Boulder County is working with tech startups to provide early stage corporate philanthropy by pledging 1% of their resources to nonprofits (called Pledge 1% Colorado). Out of this, they created a Nonprofit Pledge 1% Pitch Contest as a part of Boulder Startup Week.

The Pitch Contest, through an interactive and fun event, seeks to recognize and support entrepreneurial and innovative nonprofit ideas to solve pressing problems and critical issues facing Boulder County. Their goal is to support organizations in developing and testing new solutions to community challenges and leveraging investment to achieve impact. We submitted an application on the “Imaginect” on-demand employment app and we were chosen as a finalist to pitch the idea and could win $10,000!

The Nonprofit Pitch Contest is Tuesday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. at the Boulder Theater. We will make a 3-minute pitch, and the audience and a panel of judges will vote on the winning pitch. Please plan to attend, cheer us on, and vote! You can register by clicking here (it is free).

Check out the video and flyer below for more information on Imaginect.

Can’t see the video? Click here