Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Donna Enjoys Finding A Sack Of Coins

This blog post came to us last night during a visit to the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder. The residents at the house are preparing for a garage sale on August 10th and 11th. They are going through their belongings and seeing what they have that might be a good sale item.

While checking the contents of one of Donna’s storage boxes, Whitney, a Counselor at the home, found a sack of change adding up to $23.89. They were counting it up as their guest arrived. Donna greeted the guest in the hallway while repeating to the guest, “Camera!, camera!”

Their guest went to his car to retrieve the camera, and upon returning Donna asked him to close his eyes. When she said it was OK to look, he saw the table stacked with her change and started taking photos.  Donna’s housemates seemed as excited as she was about the find, as you can see in the pictures below.

Rae, in red, is as excited as Donna as they laugh about
finding Donna's $23.89 in the bottom of Donna's storage box.

Donna waves her hands so fast they are a blur, as Whitney (in blue)
helps her count coins.  Rebecca (in front) and Gerald smile
at the excitement of Donna's newfound riches.

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