Thursday, September 3, 2015

Our Creative Corner

Erica Sisavat, teaches a poetry class at Imagine!'s CORE/Labor Source Program in Longmont. She shared the following poem that blossomed from the shared imaginations of Dawn, Neal and Autumn, after studying the “Jabberwocky” in Erica’s class. We hope that you enjoy the following poem titled “Slurpy in the Woods, with the Bogre, and the Wooker.

The above "Jabberwocky" illustration comes from John Tenniel.

Slurpy in the Woods, with the Bogre, and the Wooker

The bogre went blurpy
Through the thistleweed
It tickled his lurp and he blurped
Thappy was he

He meets the wooker in the woods
They bliply went glurp about their day
And wavelled in the sun
You can tell by the way they herp
That they were wide awake

Out there in the forest of feelings
We hear a plurp, plurp, plurp
They saw a care-a-lot
Swing a big sword

They hurt, the luppy lumps
The luppy lumps, they yissed
And yaddelled
“Watch out for the sword”!

The bogre and the wooker ran
In a cabin in the woods
They locked the door with a key
And safe and sound were they
As they breathed a sigh of relief

Thank you Dawn, Neil, and Autumn for sharing your creativity with us!

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