Friday, September 27, 2013

SmartHome Residents Make Zucchini Bread

These photos were taken Monday night at the Bob and Judy Charles SmartHome in Boulder before the residents went to their computers to keep tabs on the Bronco game.  Some of the residents and staff member Claudette decided to make some zucchini bread using zucchini they grew in the SmartHome garden. Making the bread was quite the team effort as the photos show.
Staff member Claudette holds a measuring spoon while
Rebecca carefully fills the spoon with vanilla.
Gerald encourages Donna
while Donna stirs the zucchini bread batter. 
Staff member Claudette (left) holds the bowl while Rae (in white) helps
Gerald stir the batter, and Donna takes a short breather from reading
the recipe to the others. 
Rae admires the thick consistency of the batter while stirring it,
and Donna steadies the bowl for her.
From the left, staff member Claudette, Gerald, Rae, and Donna.
Claudette and Rae are helping Gerald stir the batter while
Donna reads the recipe and lets them know what will be
added next.

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